
Thursday, 13 December 2018

SLJ Lesson 3 part 2

I have chosen the sport of swimming because I really enjoy swimming. I swim for one hour at a time and sometimes more. I swim every weekend and through the week on some days. I have swan since I was three years old. I am a lot older now. I have been swimming for about 8 - 9 years. This is the picture I have created of my avatar wearing a swimming cap and goggles.

My sporting hero is Sophie Pascoe. She continued swimming with only one leg. She really inspires me because when she lost her leg. She kept moving on with her life. She continued swimming and just because she is missing a leg, that does not stop her from doing the things she loves. That is persistence.

I think that Rugby league is the best sport in New Zealand. It brings people together. Adults and Children really enjoy watching it because little kids are inspired to get out there and give rugby a go in hope that it will be something they really enjoy. Some kids grow up and professionally play. 

Monday, 10 December 2018

SLJ Lesson 3 Part 1

For this lesson I had to compare the German student's timetable. Some of the things that our time tables have in common are the: Reading mini lesson, Grammar mini lesson, Lunch and dismissal (School ends). This is the google doc I used with my timetable made with Canva.

SLJ Lesson 2 Part 3

I asked my friend Zach, what he likes to do in the Summer. These are the five things he said.

1) "I like to do trampolining. It is fun and it gets my heart racing. Also I like doing tricks".

2) " I like to go on my bike in the summer with my family. It gets me fit and strong. My family sometimes go on tracks with our bikes but most of the time we go to parks and ride them".

3) "Parcor. I really enjoy jumping over objects at the playground and challenging myself for harder goals but still
reasonable ones".

4) "I like playing on the computor. I like playing minecraft. I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

5) "I love doing arts and crafts. I really enjoy glueing things onto paper and I really like drawing".

Having 17 brothers and sisters.

I have one brother called Nicholas. He is really annoying but he can be really funny. I don't think that me and my family would like to have 19 children. These are my Pros and Cons.

Friday, 7 December 2018

SLJ Lesson 2 Part 2

This is a google drawing that I created of my holding what we would eat here in New Zealand, compared with what you would most likely eat in Canada. This is what I created.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

SLJ Lesson 2 Part 1

I would feel really out of place if I was in a different country where I knew nothing of or about the language. It would make me feel a bit better if I knew a little bit about the language and the culture.

I am very confident with talking to the Canadians because I speak English.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Where is the Love?

In Room 8 we listened to a song called 'Where is the Love' by The black Eyed Peas. It made me think about all the problems there are throughout the world. This is the quick write I wrote.

Where is the Love?

Anger. Anger is a really big problem. It can make people so scared and tense and they take it out on kids.

 School Shootings. Why do they do it? The gunman must have a drive and a certain will to do what they do. Guns are intended for hunting animals. Other people use them to solve their anger. Shooting small and innocent kids and their teachers is not going to help financially or any problem they face. It will just make things more complicated.

 All the racism in america is not okay. Just because white people are treated differently than black people gives the police no right to hurt them and shoot them because their skin colour. There are videos online of parents explaining to children what to do if a policeman falsely accuses you. Parents should not have to have that kind of talk to their kids. It makes children angry. It puts them in constant fear that it will happen to them.

 Wage gap. Why do white people get paid more than black people? They work equally as hard for their money as white people so why can’t everyone have the same amount?

 Colour. People can not choose what colour they are born. Why are they made fun of and bullied because of their skin? Where is the Love?

Monday, 12 November 2018

Legally speeding

WALT: Compose a poem about the waterside on school camp. 

 Legally speeding 

 I walked up the five mega wet, muddy and very grassy steps. I am greeted my Lauren and challenged to a race. We step up onto a carpet platform and sit down ready to go. My body slithered onto the black tube. 

 GO! We raced down the opened black tube. Looking at each other as we are accelerating down the slide. The water clinging to our bodies like a bad smell. 

 We each look down, dreading the deep dip. Finally the water squirts everywhere as I slip through the thin water sheet. My eyes start to sting from all the water. I slide onto a black track. Oh no!! I keeped sliding. Mud all up my legs and i softly slip on the muddy ground. I bet you anyway Lauren. Ha Ha!

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Trusting in my team

Walt: Write a descriptive recount about an activity we did on camp.

Trusting in my team

 I was walking over to the black wall shivering while everyone was fanning themselves with their limbs. We sat down on the black logs that held our weight. Willy started talking to us about what is team building useful for. We talked about team building and then walked over to two tall black ploes. 

 I held the sweaty palm of Nika and the shaky hand of Faith. Jamie was giving us all directions. Our team figured out that we could go over five times and under four times through each others arms. We finally got round to how we were originally. It was really difficult and it required a lot of communication and commitment. We were really proud of ourselves but we soon found out that we took one minute and fifty seconds. That was way to slow for Willy's liking. 

 We tried and tried again and we finally got down to fifteen seconds. So we moved onto the next section. Trust. I had to trust my team and Willy to make sure that I was safe. I got pushed up onto the top, pulled myself across the thick log and had to hold myself together. I had no faith that I would not fall off. I squeezed the log tight and slowly tipped myself swinging from side to side. I didn’t want to fall or have to jump off but I had to. I unhooked my legs and slowly lowered them in fear. I let go of the top piece of the log. And fell to my feet. 

 Simon was chosen to be the last one because he could get himself up the wall without to much help. He was asked to put us in a line from who he could carry the easiest and who he could carry that was a little bit harder for him. He was expecting to do Nika (The easiest, at the start of the line) to go first but Willy changed it around. There were people who got shoved to the top of the wall before me. The children that were still on ground level were hoisting those who were mid air. They were getting shoved at the bottom and pulled at the top to that they could get over the wall. 

 Finally it was my turn. I was shaking because I was scared I would not get over or fall at the top. I trusted in my team and I got pushed up. The wall was daunting and tall. To big for a short person like me. I pulled myself up and Jamie made us choose who needed to come down. It was based on strength, height and muscle power. I was of course the one to come down. I sat back on the bench and cover myself with the light side of my jacket so the sun would go somewhere else. Willy told us that we were finished and I went back to my cabin and went to sleep.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Rubbish Problem

Dear Citizens of Christchurch,

Do you know where your rubbish goes?
When you drop it into the gutter on the side of the road do you
know where it ends up? Well I am here to tell you and there is a way to fix it.

Put your plastic water bottles in the yellow bin!
If you drop your rubbish in the side walk,
It can get blown into a stream or a river which carries it
into the ocean where sea animals such as turtles, mistake them for food
and eat them. Eating plastic makes them feel full but really they are
not and as a result they die of starvation. Do you want that to happen?

All your rubbish ends up getting caught in currents which get delivered
(Thanks to a current) to a big garbage island. Then your rubbish gets
washed up onto the shore and moved to places such as Mexico City.
People can swim through your rubbish.

So next time you drop a piece of rubbish, think about where it will go!

From Nevaeh

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Mango to Boy

Mango to boy

I was walking in the mall, I wondered to myself “What did I come here for?”. “Oh that’s right… A bird!” I wandered into an Animates store. I started looking in the bird isle. I picked up a few toys and then walked over to the bid cages. There was a little peach faced lovebird. He was super cute. I immediately thought of the name mango. I said hi mango. I looked at his price tang and he was only $70. I was shocked. She was not that expensive. I walked up to the lady and asked if I could take the bird. She said yes and gave me the cage she was in. I asked “I will give you $100 for the cage.” She said “That’s not needed. The cage is free but the bird is not.” I gave her the money for mango and walked out of the pet shop. I opened my house door and carried her inside. “You are a beautiful girl Mango!” Ever since then she was acting a little strange. I shook it off.

I took her out and she was really sweet. She was licking me and blowing me kisses. For a minute I began thinking she was a boy. I cracked up laughing. I took her out of her cage and put her on my shoulder. I started doing some chores. She slowly started pecking at my ear. It was a little weird and made my body shiver. I took her off my shoulder and gave her a strawberry to play with. She took one big cunk and swallowed it. She popped out a human leg. WHAT!? And then another human leg. WHAT is happening? She was a weird Blue and gold macaw with two human legs. She popped out a right arm. It had a part of a yellow Jacket. Then a left arm. She was not a human body with a lovebird head. Then out popped a human head. She was not a lovebird anymore… She was a little boy. He shook of some feathers and looked at me.

“Hi my name is Mason. I am six years old. Gosh that was awful being in that little cage for so long. I was embarrassed to change back to how I am now because they were mean and rude but you are kind and loving so I felt comfortable!” I was in disbelief. “What? How? Why? WHAT?!!!!!” I said. He looked at me in a really caring way. I fell in love with him. That day I really believe in love at first sight. Suddenly I had a feeling I had a new responsibility. “You are my little boy now.” I whispered. “Do you want to get some Ice Cream?”I asked “Yeah sure!” Said Mason.

The Long River

The Long River

I look down as I am shivering in fright. I want to turn back but my legs are glued to the
wobbly unstable bridge.
I can only think of the worst. “What if I hit my head on the big boulders?”
“What if I get so scared I jump off and land in the wrong spot?”
The man tells me that everything will be OK. I am really really scared of heights and I am only doing this so my best friend can trust me.
Kira is standing beside me looking like she is having the time of her life.
Our emotions are clearly on completely different ends of the spectrum.
I needed to do this no matter what. There was NO turning back.

“Kayla you can do this.” “Kayla you can do this.” “Kayla you can do this.” “NO I CAN’T!”
My eyes started to water as if I was going to start crying. Kira stuck her hand out for me to hold. She started slowly counting down from 10. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4… JUMP! My feet stuck but kira’s feet jumped.
She dragged my feet away from the wood as if you were pulling out a glued in maths sheet.
I slowly felt my hands getting all tingly. We started falling. I swear that every muscle in my body felt
like it had just been set on fire. Everything went tight and tense. My breathing completely stopped.
I forgot everything I have ever lived for. The only thing that was going through my mind was the
fact that I was plummeting down into a stream at what seemed like 200 km an hour. I felt like I was going to fall and then a huge invisible mouth was going to eat me whole.

My nose was only a few inches away from the water.
Me and kira were bobbing up and down. Someone came in a boat and unlocked us and
we both flopped into a small little mustard yellow and chocolate brown boat. She said to me
“You are committed arent you?”

Maori I spy

WALT: Use our knowledge of layering images to create a kararehe I spy

We had create an I spy game using Maori names for animals.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Betta fish

WALT: Write an Information Report.

Betta fish

Betta Fish are a fascinating type of fish. Their scientific name is Betta splendens. They are otherwise known as siamese fighting fish. There are so many types of betta fish. Here are some breeds: Halfmoon, Crowntail, Double tail, Super delta, plakat, dumbo or elephant ear, Veil tail , dragons and koi.
Betta fish originated from Thailand where the people breed them to get beautiful colours and designs. They live in puddles and they are a very hardy breed of fish. People think that since they are hardy, they can live in cups or with little amount of water and space to swim. If they do not have water changes, they can get infections because the dirty water is constantly feeding the fins bad bacteria. This can cause them to die. This is a serious matter because another fish can catch the same amount of infection within a few hours.
Betta fish can not be housed together only if they are females. It is illegal to place two fully grown adult betta fish in the same tank. The reason is because they will fight to the death or until ones fins are all teared off or until scales are ripped up. This can take up to a year for them to heal. That is with treatment.
Betta fish breed unlike any other fish. The female will jump a puddle to find the male. She will look at him and he will swim over to her. He will go over to the edge of the puddle or the tank. He will take a big breath of air and let it go under the water. This will form about three or four bubbles. He will do this fifty more times. This is called a bubble nest. He will rap his body around her and squeeze these little white dots out of her. These are the eggs. He will swim down and collect the eggs in his mouth, swim up to the bubble nest and spit them into the bubbles. After about one day or two (depending on the temperature of the water) the babies will start to hang out of the nest. The male betta will pluck out the females and the males will swim out themselves. He will now leave them to grow up.
Bettas need a variety of food to keep their fins healthy and colours vibrant. They need Pellets, fish flakes, brine shrimp, mosquito laave, sea monkeys, dafnia, and blood worms.
Bettas have personalities. Some are really outgoing and happy and others are shy and the definition of fighting fish. They can have a spunky of boring attitude. Some are really mean and hate you but others are really lovely and probably love their food more than their owner.
There is not one Betta fish that is the same as another. They don’t look the same even if they are from the same spawn. There can be one coloured scale on one fish that is a different colour on the other and that is the way to tell them apart. That is as close as you get to identical Betta fish.
Betta fish are very intelligent fish. They can be trained to jump through hoops and jump out of the water to get their food.
Betta fish are a great breed of fish. They need a big tank and frequent water changes. They get attached to their owner and can get upset if they get given to another home. They are a really awesome type of fish. 

Here is a picture of one of my Koi Halfmoon Plakats called Meclane. I changed the spelling of his name but his name is pronounced like the toothpaste because he is red white and blue.

Wednesday, 4 July 2018

Matariki Explanation

WALT: Write an Explanation writing piece to explane to people why Matariki is important to New Zealanders.

This is my Explanation writing:

Why is Matariki important to New Zealanders?

In New Zealand we celebrate a time called Matariki. It is a special constellation that starts during early June. In the constellation, there are seven stars that shine brightly in the clear sky that we are lucky to have.

First, Matariki is a special time that we remember our deceased loved ones. This is a time where all of the family members come together to celebrate with each other and share myths that are passed down through generations in the family. 

Secondly, there are myths that are told during Matariki to keep it exciting. The first one is that there are seven sisters who travel down to papatuanuku to share their knowledge with her. The other one I know is the brothers.One separated the Mother and Father.Tane (One of the
seven sons) get angry and pulled out his eyeballs and through them up into the sky and they are the Matariki stars.

Finally, Matariki is a time where we can begin growing some crops and harvesting some. We take the time to remember the gifts of the Matariki sisters such as Tupu-a-nuku. Her gift is helping us grow out crops and plants. She makes us medicine and clothing materials too. 

Matariki is a beautiful time that family and friends come together to celebrate the comeback of the seven stars. We remember our dead family and friends who are watching over us.
By Nevaeh

Thursday, 28 June 2018

The Night Sky

WALT: Recreate a famous artists painting, while incorporating New Zealand themes and celebrations. The origanal artist was Vincent van Gogh. We incorporated Matariki.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Ke te pehea koe?

WALT: Share our knowledge of Te Reo Maori Kupu in an animation.Room 8 have been learning about visual Mihi Mihi. We then had to create a presentation around the question, Ke Te Pehea koe? This is my presentation, I used a Curious George setting.

Monday, 19 March 2018

The singing goat

The singing goat

There once was a goat
who thought he could sing.

He went to audition

when his phone went ping ping
The judges said you’re
not committed and unfit for this job.

He moved to Atlanta
and called himself Bob.