Where is the Love?
School Shootings. Why do they do it? The gunman must have a drive and a certain will to do what they do. Guns are intended for hunting animals. Other people use them to solve their anger. Shooting small and innocent kids and their teachers is not going to help financially or any problem they face. It will just make things more complicated.
All the racism in america is not okay. Just because white people are treated differently than black people gives the police no right to hurt them and shoot them because their skin colour. There are videos online of parents explaining to children what to do if a policeman falsely accuses you. Parents should not have to have that kind of talk to their kids. It makes children angry. It puts them in constant fear that it will happen to them.
Wage gap. Why do white people get paid more than black people? They work equally as hard for their money as white people so why can’t everyone have the same amount?
Colour. People can not choose what colour they are born. Why are they made fun of and bullied because of their skin? Where is the Love?